Insect-based proteins for high-quality nutrition

We envision a world where humanity's food production will be an ecological asset rather than a threat — where our food production strategies are designed to actively contribute to global ecological balance.

We see InInova making a solid contribution to this goal by leveraging the enormous potential of insect-based proteins as a clean and efficient source of high-quality nutrition.

Our mission is to develop state-of-the-art production systems and know-how for the insect protein industry — production systems based on biological science as well as environmental responsibility.

We aim to play our part in taking this globally emerging and hugely promising sector to the next levels in nutritional quality, productive efficiency, and ecological and climatological sustainability.

Bo Mathiesen

Bo is the founder and owner of InInova, a tech development house dedicated to the advancement of biologically-based methods and production strategies within the field of insect farming.

Based on biological insight and years of practical experience, he strongly believes that any future-proof food production strategy must rely on and understand the close synergy between biological and economical sustainability — that these two are each other's enablers, not irreconcilable opposites.

Passion, professional interests

Bo's professional life has been centred around three great and closely interconnected interests.

The potential of insects, and particularly the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor (TM), as superior sources of high-quality protein. Superior in a double sense: Both in regard to the quality of the end product, and to the unique qualities of mealworms as production animals.

The potential for optimizing our food production strategies by applied biological knowledge – both in insect protein production, and also in derived productions such as fish farming (aquaculture) where insect proteins may be used in feeds to great effect. Optimizing is to be taken, again, in a double sense: Both in terms of production efficiency, and in terms of reduced environmental impact.

Environmental management in private enterprises and institutions. This is the top level view. The environmentally beneficent synergy between insect proteins and optimized aquaculture production may be seen as one example of such a potentially very successful management strategy.

To Bo these three entry points come together to form a comprehensive package, each part supporting the two others. Waste is not just a negative economical or environmental issue. It indicates a development potential – an area where production methods may be further optimized.

In his pursuit of this goal, Bo is drawing on a comprehensive biological and technical insight into the value chains of both insect and aquatic production, and from this knowledge comes his special focus on the introduction of quality protein sources. The use of insect proteins can deliver multiple benefits at once: Improved feed and end product quality, better sustainability across the entire value chain, and better environmental management overall.

All this, in Bo's view, makes insect farming a key technology in any sustainable food production strategy for the 21st century, and beyond.

Founding the company

InInova was founded as a platform for transforming these insights — acquired through years of work in the insect and fish farming industries — into practical, sustainable solutions. Bo realized early on that a key component was missing: Insect proteins could be a prime, sustainable source of high-grade proteins for the fish farming industry (and for numerous other uses) — and yet, far too little attention was being given to the biological quality and efficiency of insect production environments. Bo saw this lack of focus as a direct route to lower animal welfare, stunted growth and, ultimately, suboptimal production efficiency.

The TMgoUnit was designed to take industrial insect production to the next level — to open up the untapped potential of biologically intelligent insect production strategies.