Re-inventing industrial insect production

We envision a world where humanity's food production will be an ecological asset rather than a threat – where our food production strategies are designed to actively contribute to global ecological balance.

We aim to play our part in taking this globally emerging and hugely promising sector to the next levels in nutritional quality, productive efficiency, and ecological and climatological sustainability.

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Introducing the TMsoLine& TMgoUnit

Two technical solutions specifically designed for an efficient, biology-friendly and environmentally sound production of mealworms.

The TMsoLine is a linear, automated sorting bench that separates mealworm larvae into factions based on size. It minimizes costly manual handling of the larvae and reduces waste, as more larvae will survive to become ready for harvesting.

Along with the new TMgoUnit our aim is to streamline production of this high-quality, environment-friendly protein source.

Benefits of the hardware

Setup, optimize and utilize Setup, optimize and utilize Setup, optimize and utilize

The unit instalment process and the optimization of their yield can be supervised by Ininova. Including how best to utilize the end product. Other forms of training and consultancy can be arranged on an ad-hoc basis.

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InInova and Bo Mathiesen

Bo is the founder and owner of InInova, a tech development house dedicated to the advancement of biologically-based methods and production strategies within the field of insect farming.

Based on biological insight and years of practical experience, he strongly believes that any future-proof food production strategy must rely on and understand the close synergy between biological and economical sustainability.

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